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Takeyama, "Takeyama model", alto in f', baroque double hole, 415 Hz, Brazilian boxwood
The instrument with the model number: TA415BB-TAK built by Takeyama is an instrument that is tireless fun in the classroom as well as on stage. This speciality is due to the clever combination of the special design in interaction with the qualities of the material used. The material used for this instrument is characterised by its special sound characteristics. The special features can be characterised in this way, whereby it is in the nature of things that sounds can only ever be described very inadequately with words. This is why the sound of recorders is perceived and described in slightly different ways by each person: Boxwood: powerful, high-pitched sound,. The scale The inner bore of the recorder is slightly cylindroconical. This type of bore gives the recorder its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than models with a narrower scale. For which music can the instrument be best used? The recorder is excellently suited for instruments that specialise in baroque music, other styles are possible. Who is this recorder aimed at? From the above facts it follows that instruments from are particularly suitable for students and professional players. A second noteworthy rule is that a higher-quality instrument generally makes learning more enjoyable than a poor-quality one. The windway of a recorder The windway is the area in the head of the instrument where the air is moulded into a thin sheet of air. This sheet of air is the nucleus of a recorder's sound. The vibration that generates the flute sound is created from the air blade at the labium. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining characteristics for the musical formability of the achievable sounds of the recorder. The windway of the TA415BB-TAK instrument from Takeyama is shaped as follows: curved, conical.Conical windways accelerate the air blade more than cylindrically shaped ones. Windways are extremely complex in their design and many parameters interact. Fingering The Takeyama TA415BB-TAK model is offered in the following fingering: Baroque double hole. Multiple parts The number of parts of a musical instrument strongly influences the way in which the recorder is handled in terms of ease of assembly on the one hand and ease of transport on the other. A point that becomes particularly important when larger or multiple instruments need to be transported. Recorder orchestra leaders know how useful good and compact recorder bags are. Provided the instruments can be disassembled into small pieces. Packaging and accessories The recorder is supplied with a bag and useful accessories as standard: Hygiene tips If the recorder is played by several people, it is advisable to repeatedly disinfect the windway to prevent the transmission of diseases. The care product Flautisept has proven to be effective for disinfection. You can find Flautisept in our collection. It works with the following surfaces: Lacquered surfacesLacquered surfacesWaxed surfacesSpirit stained surfacesRESONALinseed oil surfacesUntreated wood surfacesABS plastics However, before using Fautisept, be sure to test it on an inconspicuous area to ensure that it does not leave any adverse changes on your recorder. Optional information on keys It is not always possible to drill tone holes in places in the instrument body that are comfortable and easy to play with your fingers. For acoustic reasons, some tone holes on bass instruments in particular are not ergonomically accessible. Keys are fitted to these instruments to make playing much easier or even possible in the first place. The TA415BB-TAK instrument has the following keys: . This makes it easy to play even for players with smaller hands. Recommendations on the way to a new recorder How to find your next instrument safely Seek expert advice! But don't let "well-intentioned" advice put you off playing an instrument yourself. Your musical sensitivity is as unique as you are. Therefore, only you can decide which recorder appeals to you personally. Our recommendation is therefore: Test different materials that you have never tried before. You can only win.
