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8 products
Kunath, "classy-recorder", soprano, pentatonic, 7 notes, 432Hz, pear wood
The instrument with the model number: 117-152-KUN from the Kunath Instrumentenbau workshop is a recorder that is always a joy to play. This characteristic is largely due to the masterful combination of the above-average design in fine tuning with the sound characteristics of the pear wood used. The unique sound characteristics of this instrument make it a pleasant instrument to play. The properties can be characterised as follows: Pear wood: Soft, choral sound. Suitable for playing in a group. The scale The inner bore of the instrument is cylindroconical and very wide. This type of bore gives the recorder its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than models with a narrower scale. What music is the recorder best suited to? Pearwood is particularly suitable for instruments that are used in the . Who is this recorder aimed at This means that pearwood instruments are particularly suitable for beginners. Another generally applicable basic rule is that a high-quality instrument naturally makes learning less complicated than a seemingly inexpensive bargain. The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the instrument headjoint where the musician's breath is moulded into a sheet of air. This air blade is the defining element of a recorder's sound. At the labium, the vibration that generates the flute sound is created from this air blade. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining principles for the variation possibilities of the available sound spectra of the instrument. The windway of the 117-152-KUN instrument from Kunath Instrumentenbau is constructed as follows: Straight cylindrical.Conical windways accelerate the air blade more than cylindrically shaped ones. Windways are naturally complex in their geometric design and many parameters are influenced by each other. Fingering The instrument Kunath Instrumentenbau 117-152-KUN is made in the following fingering: Pentatonic. Construction method The construction of a musical instrument in terms of multiple parts influences the way in which the recorder is handled in daily use, both in terms of ease of assembly and safe transport. This is a point that should not be underestimated, especially when transporting larger (and sometimes several) instruments. Recorder choir directors know how useful good and compact recorder bags are. Provided the instruments can be easily disassembled. Packaging and accessories The recorder is supplied as standard with a bag and the following accessories: Cleaning rod, drying cloth, cork grease, care instructions, fingering chart Hygiene tips If the recorder is often lent out, you should consider cleaning the beak area sterilely if necessary for your own protection. The product Flautisept has proven to be effective in such cases. You can find Flautisept in our collection. It works with the following surfaces: Waxed surfacesUntreated wooden surfacesSpirit-stained surfacesLinseed oil surfacesGlazed surfacesABS plasticsRESONALacquered surfaces However, before use, test on an inconspicuous area to ensure that Fautisept does not cause any adverse changes to your recorder. Optional information on keys It is not always possible to drill tone holes in places in the instrument that are comfortable and easy to reach with your fingers. Especially on larger instruments, some tone holes are not ergonomically accessible for acoustic reasons. Keys are fitted to such instruments to make playing much easier or even possible in the first place. The 117-152-KUN instrument has the following keys: . This means that it can also be played comfortably by players with smaller hands. Recommendations for finding a new recorder The easiest way to find a new instrument Seek expert advice! However, don't let prevailing opinions put you off playing a recorder yourself. Your musical sensibilities are as unique as you are. Therefore, only you can decide which instrument suits you personally. Our recommendation is therefore: Try different designs that you have not yet tested. You can only gain new experiences.

Kunath, "classy-recorder", soprano, pentatonic, 7 notes, 442Hz, pearwood
This pentatonic soprano (descant) recorder for beginners in class music making. The 117-052 belongs to the group of combination recorders, model series classy-recorders. The combination recorders are a recorder system that was developed / invented by Kunath Instrumentenbau especially for Waldorf schools. Further information on combination-recorders can be found here.The scale The geometry of the inner bore of the instrument is cylindroconical and wider than other pentatonic recorders. This type of bore gives the recorder its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than models with a narrower inner bore. Who this instrument is aimed at School classes who want to start with the pentatonic range and then later switch to the diatonic / chromatic range at a favourable price. The favourable changeover is made possible by the combination recorder system. The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the headjoint of the recorder where the air is moulded into a sheet of air. This air blade is the nucleus of the instrument's sound. In interaction with the labium, the air blade creates the vibration that generates the flute sound. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining principles for the response and sound of the recorder. Model 117-052 has a windway that is straight and cylindrical in shape. The volume of the instrument can be reduced with a Sound strip (optional accessory) if required. Fingering The instrument pentatonic stars-recorder 117-052 is manufactured in 7-tone pentatonic fingering. Multiple parts The pentatonic stars-recorder 117-052 is made in two parts. This concept - and the special design features of the stars-recorder - make it possible to use it as a "combination recorder". Packaging and accessories The instrument is supplied with a bag and the following accessories as standard: Grease jar, cleaning rod, fingering chart.

Only 2 available
Kunath, "Engelberg five-tone flute", pentatonic, 440 Hz, d''e''g''a''h''
The recorder from the series Engelberger five-tone recorder with the model designation: 50011 made by Kunath Instrumentenbau is an instrument that is a pleasure to play both in lessons and at home.The scale (the inner bore) The geometry of the inner bore of the instrument is cylindrical and wider than that of other soprano instruments. This type of bore gives the instrument its typical sound. In principle, recorders with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than instruments with a narrower scale.Who is the instrument aimed at?The Engelberg five-tone recorder is used in Waldorf kindergartens, Waldorf schools and other independent schools. The windway of a recorder The windway is the area in the head of the instrument where the musician's blowing air is moulded into an air blade. This air blade is the basis of the instrument's sound. In interaction with the labium, the air blade creates the fundamental vibration that generates the flute sound. The shape of the windway is therefore very relevant for the variation possibilities of the available sound spectra of the recorder. The model 50011 from Kunath Instrumentenbau has a windway that is straight and very narrowly cylindrical. This makes the sound delicate and floating.Fingering The Engelberger five-tone recorder 50011 is supplied in the version Pentatonic. Packaging and accessories The instrument is supplied as standard with a bag and matching accessories: Cleaning rod, fingering chart Podcast about the instrumentThere is a separate episode on the instrument at Engelberger Fünftonflöte

Only 1 available
Kunath, "Engelberger Fünftonflöte", pentatonisch, 432 Hz, d´´e´´g´´a´´h´´
Dieses Modell wirkt beruhigend durch seinen besonderen Stimmton a = 432 Hz.Die Blockflöte aus der Baureihe Engelberger Fünftonflöte mit der Modellbezeichnung: 51011 ist ein Instrument, dass im Unterricht, wie beim Spielen zuhause stets Freude bereitet.Die Mensur (die Innenbohrung) Die Geometrie der Innenbohrung des Instruments ist zylindrisch und weite als bei anderen Sopraninstrumenten. Diese Art des Bohrungsverlaufs gibt dem Instrument seinen typischen Klang. Prinzipiell klingen Blockflöten mit weiterer Bohrung wärmer, voller, grundtöniger und damit ensemblefähiger als Instrumente mit engerer Mensur.An wen richtet sich das InstrumentDie Engelberger Fünftonflöte wird in Waldorfkindergärten, Waldorfschulen und anderen freien Schulformen eingesetzt. Der Windkanal einer Blockflöte Der Windkanal ist der Bereich im Kopf des Instruments, in dem die Blasluft des Musizierenden zu einem Luftblatt geformt wird. Dieses Luftblatt ist die Basis des Klanges des Instruments. Im Zusammenspiel mit dem Labium entsteht so aus dem Luftblatt die den Flötenton grundlegend generierende Schwingung. Die Form des Windkanals ist damit sehr relevant für die Variationsmöglichkeiten der zur Verfügung stehenden Klangspektren der Blockflöte. Das Modell 51011 verfügt über einen Windkanal der gerade und sehr schmal zylindrisch ist. So wird der Ton zart und schwebend.Griffweise Die Engelberger Fünftonflöte 51011 wird in der Ausführung ausgeliefert: Pentatonisch. Verpackung und Zubehör Das Instrument wird serienmäßig mit Tasche und dem passenden Zubehör angeboten: Wischerstange, Grifftabelle Podcast zum InstrumentZum Instrument gibt es im eine eigene Episode Engelberger Fünftonflöte

Kunath, "Stars-recorder", pentatonic, 440Hz and 432Hz , pear tree
The pentatonic soprano (descant) recorder for beginners in classroom music-making. The 51080 belongs to the group of combination recorders. The combination recorders are a recorder system that was developed / invented by Kunath Instrumentenbau especially for Waldorf schools.TuningThe instrument can be played in 440 Hz by removing the tuning rings. By inserting the tuning rings, the tuning is at 432 Hz.The scale The geometry of the inner bore of the instrument is cylindroconical and wider than other pentatonic recorders. This type of bore gives the recorder its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than models with a narrower inner bore. Who is this instrument aimed at? School classes who want to start with the pentatonic range and then later switch to the diatonic / chromatic range at a favourable price.The favourable switch is made possible by the combination recorder system.The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the headjoint of the recorder in which the air is moulded into a sheet of air. This air blade is the nucleus of the instrument's sound. In interaction with the labium, the air blade creates the vibration that generates the flute sound. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining principles for the response and sound of the recorder. The model 51080 has a windway that is straight and cylindrical in shape.The volume of the instrument can be reduced with a Sound strip (optional accessory) if required. Fingering The instrument pentatonic stars-recorder 51080 is manufactured in 7-tone pentatonic fingeringMultiple parts The pentatonic stars-recorder 51080 is made in two parts.This concept - and the special design features of the stars-recorder - make it possible to use it as a "combination recorder". Packaging and accessories The instrument is supplied with a bag and the following accessories as standard: Grease jar, cleaning rod, fingering chart.

Kunath, "Stars-recorder", pentatonic, 440Hz, pear tree
The pentatonic soprano (descant) recorder for beginners in classroom music-making. The 50080 belongs to the group of combination recorders. The combination recorders are a recorder system that was developed / invented by Kunath Instrumentenbau especially for Waldorf schools.The scale The geometry of the inner bore of the instrument is cylindroconical and wider than other pentatonic recorders. This type of bore gives the recorder its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than models with a narrower inner bore. Who is this instrument aimed at? School classes who want to start with the pentatonic range and then later switch to the diatonic / chromatic range at a favourable price.The favourable switch is made possible by the combination recorder system.The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the headjoint of the recorder in which the air is moulded into a sheet of air. This air blade is the nucleus of the instrument's sound. In interaction with the labium, the air blade creates the vibration that generates the flute sound. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining principles for the response and sound of the recorder. The model 50080 has a windway that is straight and cylindrical in shape.The volume of the instrument can be reduced with a Sound strip (optional accessory) if required. Fingering The instrument pentatonic stars-recorder 50080 is manufactured in 7-tone pentatonic fingeringMultiple parts The pentatonic stars-recorder 50080 is made in two parts.This concept - and the special design features of the stars-recorder - make it possible to use it as a "combination recorder". Packaging and accessories The instrument is supplied with a bag and the following accessories as standard: Grease jar, cleaning rod, fingering chart.

Kunath, "sun recorder", pentatonic, 432 Hz, d''e''g''a''h''d''e''
The pitch standard of a = 432 Hz gives the instrument a calming effect.One of the best-selling 7-tone pentatonic recorders.The scale The inner bore of the recorder is cylindroconical and slightly wider than normal soprano (descant) recorders. This type of bore gives the model its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than recorders with a narrower inner bore.Who is this recorder aimed at? School classes in Waldorf schools, Montessori schools or early music education.The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the head of the recorder where the air is moulded into a thin sheet of air. This sheet of air is one of the most important elements of a recorder's sound. At the labium, the vibration that generates the flute's sound is created from this sheet of air. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining characteristics for the musical formability of the achievable sounds of the recorder. The windway of the sun recorder is 30% narrower than the usual width for soprano instruments. This results in the delicate sound.The sun recorder has a straight and very narrow cylindrical windway.Fingering The sun recorder 51061 has the following fingering: Pentatonic, 7-toneConstruction of the bodyOne-piece Packaging and accessories The model comes with a bag and the following accessories as standard: Cleaning rod, wiper cloth, fingering chartPodcast about the instrumentThere is a separate episode about the instrument at Sun recorder

Only 2 available
Kunath, "sun recorder", pentatonic, 440 Hz, d'' e'' g'' a''' 'h'' d''' e'''
The pitch standard of a = 440 Hz makes the instrument suitable for fixed-tuned instruments such as pianos and mallet instruments. One of the best-selling 7-tone pentatonic recorders.The scale The inner bore of the recorder is cylindroconical and slightly wider than normal soprano (descant) recorders. This type of bore gives the model its typical sound. In principle, instruments with a wider bore sound warmer, fuller, more fundamental and therefore more suitable for ensembles than recorders with a narrower inner bore.Who is this recorder aimed at? School classes in Waldorf schools, Montessori schools or early music education.The windway of the recorder The windway is the area in the head of the recorder where the air is moulded into a thin sheet of air. This sheet of air is one of the most important elements of a recorder's sound. At the labium, the vibration that generates the flute's sound is created from this sheet of air. The shape of the windway is therefore one of the defining characteristics for the musical formability of the achievable sounds of the recorder. The windway of the sun recorder is 30% narrower than the usual width for soprano instruments. This results in the delicate sound.The sun recorder has a straight and very narrow cylindrical windway.Fingering The 50061 sun recorder has the following fingering: Pentatonic, 7-toneConstruction of the bodyOne-piece Packaging and accessories The model comes with a bag and the following accessories as standard: Cleaning rod, wiper cloth, fingering chartPodcast about the instrumentThere is a separate episode about the instrument at Sun recorder
